⨳ Western Users of SAS Software 2011 ⨳

2011 Oct 12, Wednesday

⨳ 1 minute read ⨳ 174 words ⨳ apiconferencesassas macro

My submission was accepted for presentation at the 2011 Conference of Western Users of SAS Software in San Francisco, CA. Not to brag, but this was named Best Contributed Paper in its category, so you know it is pretty good.

Here’s a local copy of the paper.

Here’s the abstract:

With the release of SAS 9.2, programmers were able to communicate directly with third-party services via two new procedures (depending on the type of service being accessed): the HTTP procedure for Representational State Transfer (REST) Protocol-based services, the SOAP procedure for Simple Object Access (SOA) Protocol-based services. Given these tools, SAS can interact with data on remote servers directly.

The current paper demonstrates how the SOAP procedure is being employed for more automated ETL processes from Vovici, a third-party survey hosting service, using the SOA Protocol. The returned xml-based survey results, when paired with the xml-based survey definition, are used as input for regular reporting processes.

Western Users of SAS Software 2011 - October 12, 2011 - Richard Koopmann