
Plot real value & purchase power

Introducing flation – Your Time Machine for Money Value!

Ever wondered how much a dollar from 1913 would be worth today? Or how the purchasing power of your savings has changed over the decades? flation is here to demystify the complex world of monetary value fluctuation, providing you with a clear window into the past, present, and future of your money.

With flation, explore the evolution of money’s real value and purchasing power with monthly precision since 1913. Whether you’re a history buff, an investor, or simply curious about how economic forces have shaped the value of money over time, flation offers a wealth of information at your fingertips.


flation is more than just an app; it’s your personal financial historian, a tool that brings the economic past into the present to help inform your future decisions. Perfect for educators, students, economists, or anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the forces that shape our financial world.

Download flation now and start your journey through the annals of monetary history. Witness the ebb and flow of economies, understand the true value of money through time, and arm yourself with knowledge that transcends the ages.

Calculations based on U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI), “a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services.” Data via U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.


I wanted to play a simple app to calculate an arbitrary value in terms of point-in-time purchasing power and real value. I also wanted a simple visualization of these calculation over time.


Feel free to use flation at your leisure for whatever purpose you have in mind.

Future Versions

flation is currently free to download and use. At some future point, flation may become a paid-up-front app. When this transition occurs, a purchase will be required for continued use of flation.


All flation purchases are final. I cannot issue refunds charged to your Apple ID, but you can ask Apple to do so.

For Reference Only

flation is not intended for, and should not be used for future-looking purchase power or real value.


Data Collection

flation does not collect any data.

Data Sharing

Given the above point, flation cannot share data. flation is a SwiftUI app and makes use of Apple’s developer libraries exclusively; no external libraries. These Apple libraries do not, to the best of my knowledge, collect data.

Data Retention

Since flation does not collect data, flation cannot retain data.


There’s not much that can go wrong with flation. That said, if after restarting your device and reproducing the issue you think you’ve found a bug, please reach out; I don’t like bugs either.